Anchor tenant Sysmex Europe relocates the head office of its headquarters for the EMEA region to the Deelböge
The new work campus FLOW in Hamburg is becoming a reality: The MATRIX Group and Bayerische Hausbau laid the foundation stone together with anchor tenant Sysmex Europe and the Second Mayor Katharina Fegebank. In a joint venture, the companies are developing around 23,600 m2 of new working environments on the Deelböge street in the Alsterdorf district. Sysmex Corporation, an international manufacturer and provider of innovative analytical instruments and services for laboratory diagnostics, will move the head office of its headquarters for the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East and Africa) to one of the two new buildings.

Katharina Fegebank, Second Mayor and Senator for Science, Research, Equality and Districts: " I am delighted about this building project, because with Sysmex Europe SE, not only will an innovative company in the medical industry find its new home here, but also a campus for new work will be created. This is good for the Northern district and for Hamburg as a business location."
The FLOW is distinguished by an intelligent concept for designing the workplaces of the future. This includes flexibly usable workspaces, a smart building app, a parcel station as well as a mobility concept with car sharing and many bicycle parking spaces.
Attractive courtyards with a high spatial quality, which merge into the green surroundings of the reaches of the Alster river and the Tarpenbek stream, form the "third place". The façades of the buildings will be designed in clinker brick style and with distinctive, green elements. State-of-the-art building technology, accessible green roofs, protection of existing trees as well as two biotopes underscore the thoroughly ecological and sustainable nature of the project. The Hamburg architectural firm Tchoban Voss is responsible for the design planning.
Dr Udo Franz, Assistant Director of the District Council Hamburg-Nord: “The FLOW is a showpiece project for new work. The appealing architecture combines sustainable building technology and green roofs and façades with an innovative room concept. In the development phase, great importance was attached to an office concept that fosters the communication and creativity of the employees, and digital technologies that simplify and accelerate the work processes. The site is optimally connected to the public transport and very green. We are very pleased that the MATRIX Group and Bayerische Hausbau have decided in favour of developing this project in our district.”
Martin E. Schaer, Managing Partner of the MATRIX Group: "With the FLOW, we are bringing to life the idea of new working at an urban, yet green location. Our goal is to create a benchmark for the development of new working environments. The main focus in this respect is on people. Whoever works at our campus in future should do so at a place where they can work productively and creatively, feel at ease, relax during breaks and enjoy lingering even after work. A place with flowing transitions from work to leisure time, a place in the FLOW."
Christian Balletshofer, Managing Director of Bayerische Hausbau: "We are delighted that, with the laying of the foundation stone, our joint project FLOW is now entering the implementation phase and taking shape. With the new work campus, we are constructing sustainable office premises with a high degree of digitalisation. The FLOW offers room for innovations and the future of work – by means of flexible interior design with smart building elements and a mobility concept tailored to the location. Additionally, we shall create spaces for recreation and lingering and for creative exchange, with lots of greenery. Working, living, relaxing, that's all possible in the FLOW."
Sysmex Corporation is an international manufacturer and provider of innovative analytical instruments and services for laboratory diagnostics. At the beginning of 2025, its regional headquarters for EMEA region, Sysmex Europe SE, together with the subsidiary Sysmex Deutschland GmbH, which is responsible for the German market, Sysmex Inostics GmbH – a specialist in personalised diagnostics in oncology – and the Sysmex R&D Center Europe GmbH, will move into the new work campus with state-of-the-art offices and laboratories on the Deelböge in Hamburg.
Alain Baverel, President and CEO of Sysmex Europe SE: "The move is a clear commitment to Hamburg as a location for business and technology and a visible sign of Sysmex's sustainable and steady growth in the EMEA region. We are delighted to be able to offer our employees and new talent a modern and inspiring working environment in the centre of the Hanseatic city."
MATRIX and Bayerische Hausbau have also started the letting of the remaining 11,300 m2. The flexible space concept allows for letting to a single tenant as well as an occupancy with several tenants. Residential occupancies that further enrich the location and promote the campus character of FLOW are aimed at. The BNP Paribas Real Estate GmbH and the CBRE GmbH have received the mandate as lead estate agents.
The building application for the realisation of the FLOW on 23,600 m2 of commercial land was submitted by the Hamburg MATRIX Group and Bayerische Hausbau in the autumn. The completion of the campus is planned for the end of 2024.
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