Hamburg clusters cooperate in unique KLIMAready project

Joint forces for the future

1.5-degree target, climate neutrality and sustainable processes at all levels. What the world, and therefore also the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, has set itself as a goal is a huge task! It is far too large and complex for a single economic sector alone. That is why seven established and successful clusters are joining forces for the very first time in Hamburg's cluster history to make this goal achievable for all sectors.

Group photo of all clusters at KLIMAready kick-off workshop
Group photo of all clusters at KLIMAready kick-off workshop

It is already obvious that many things need to change in order to fulfil the political and legal requirements for sustainability. Not meeting these targets not only means the risk of financial penalties, but also reputational risks. Innovative solutions and collaborations are not nice-to-have, but crucial for the long-term success and resilience of entire industries. For this reason, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is funding the Hamburg project KLIMAready. Seven top industry clusters are coming together here:

  • Logistik-Initiative Hamburg
  • Erneuerbare Energien Hamburg
  • Hamburg Aviation
  • Life Science Nord
  • Maritimes Cluster Norddeutschland
  • foodactive/Hamburg Food Cluster
  • Finance City Hamburg

Three years full of goals

KLIMAready will run until mid-2027, during which time the consortium will actively support Hamburg-based organisations in their energy transformation and in overcoming climate-related challenges.

The project will begin with an analysis of the current situation, including a cross-sector survey. Based on this, ideas for measures will be developed. Agile methods will help to do justice to the complexity of the issues. As part of the development of measures, fields of action are identified, relevant stakeholders are networked and ideas are methodically developed and evaluated. The findings of this process are analysed and thus made available for long-term use. The implementation of the most promising ideas always alternates with the development of ideas so that lessons learnt can be incorporated directly into the next project phase. Throughout the entire duration of the project, constant communication and public relations work ensures that the project content is publicised. This enables interested stakeholders from the Hamburg cluster landscape, business, science, politics and society to be part of KLIMAready.

Provide transparent information on regulations and framework conditions

In addition to this interplay of needs assessment, development and implementation of measures, the systematic processing and provision of information on regulations and framework conditions is planned. This also includes an overview of possible funding as a transparent basis for decisions in the development of measures.

‘We are very much looking forward to working with our members over the next three years to develop concrete solutions for the many climate-related challenges through cross-cluster collaboration,’ summarises Carmen Schmidt, Managing Director of the Hamburg Logistics Initiative, who is leading the cross-cluster project.

In addition to the project content, which directly addresses Hamburg organisations, another core aspect of the project is the long-lasting development and safeguarding of expertise within the clusters with regard to climate neutrality as well as new, agile methods for initiating and managing large-scale projects.

Life Science Nord will not only represent the interests of Hamburg's life science sector during the project, but will also be responsible for the public relations work of the project. Do you have any questions? Please contact us for further information!

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