Past Projects


The BFCC (Baltic Fracture Competence Centre) project was funded by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region Programme 2014-2020, ran from March 2016 until February 2019 and has been led by the Life Science Nord Management GmbH. It brought together 13 organisations from seven countries around the Baltic Sea and was part of the flagship project HealthRegion of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region. The BFCC built up a pan-Baltic cooperation network fostering innovation within fracture management.

During the project’s lifetime the BFCC set up local fracture registries at hospitals around the Baltic Sea Region and linked them together in one transnational fracture registry. This first transnational registry supports hospitals and companies in the Baltic Sea Region in identifying needs and potentials for innovation within fracture management.

More information and results


Life Science Nord participated in the BONEBANK project, led by the UKSH Lübeck, from September 2015 till August 2020. It was supported by Interreg Deutschland-Danmark with funds from the European Regional Development Fund. In the first phase of the BONEBANK project, a value chain was created, in which bone and bone fragments that contain stem cells were harvested during routine operations. After harvesting, this bone material was transported to the corresponding lab and the stem cells were isolated. Finally, the isolated stem cells were stored in the cross-border biobank in Lübeck and Odense. The bone material was only harvested at the hospitals in Lübeck and Odense. Life Science Nord developed the business model and a competence atlas of expertise in the programme region, which can be found after registration on LSN XCHANGE.

More information about the results


BRIDGE 53 was creating a platform to provide scientists with permanent access to industry partners’ expert knowledge and resources in order to facilitate early access to the potential for discovering and developing drugs. BRIDGE 53’s goal was to stimulate the development of new therapies in the field of infectious diseases.

BRIDGE 53 was part of the project Hygiene, Infection & Health (HIHeal), which aims to establish a cross-cluster network in the fields of hygiene, infection and health along a common value chain between the Clusters of Gesundheitswirtschaft Hamburg and Life Science Nord. The project was funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg.


The European project ELISE (European Life Science Ecosystems) addressed a societal challenge common to all European regions: promoting better health and life for all. This includes the need to improve health and well-being and promote healthy and active aging, but also to support market growth, job creation and EU competitiveness.

The ELISE partners from seven regions - Poland, Slovakia, Italy, Lithuania, France, and two German states - believed and continue to believe that the concrete application of the ecosystem concept at the regional and interregional level can help address these challenges. An ecosystem that brings together companies, researchers, clinicians and patients to translate new developments into clinical applications for medical innovations in healthcare that ultimately improve the health of Europe's citizens.

ELISE ran from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2021 with a grant volume of €1,217,494.00 million and was funded by the Interreg Europe program

More information and results


The Hygiene, Infection & Health (HIHeal) project’s objective was to establish a cross-cluster network in the fields of hygiene, infection and health along a common value chain between the Clusters of Gesundheitswirtschaft Hamburg GmbH and Life Science Nord Management GmbH.

The HIHeal Project ran from April 1, 2016 to December 31, 2022 and was funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the City of Hamburg.
HIHeal is continued through the follow-up project HIHeal next level transition.

More about HIHeal next level transition


In order to sustainably increase the resilience of the life science industry and to be able to face the effects of the Corona pandemic but also future challenges in a strengthened manner, support offers are needed. The LSN cluster management wanted to make an important contribution to this goal with the help of the InnoReAct project and support the industry with various offers to this end.

The InnoReAct project ran from 01.01.2022 - 28.2.2023 and was supported with funds from EU-REACT of the City of Hamburg, provided through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) .

Leitfaden zum Projekt InnoReAct


The two-year project "KI#CK - Künstliche Intelligenz: Chancen erkennen, Kompetenzen entwickeln" (KI#CK - Artificial Intelligence: Identifying Opportunities, Developing Competences) ran by the cluster agency Life Science Nord together with the University of Applied Sciences (Tech­ni­schen Hoch­schule Lü­beck and on­campus GmbH) aimed to create a needs-oriented qualification programme for personnel working within the Life Science cluster in the state of Schleswig-Holstein. The programme serves as entry point to “Artificial Intelligence“ (AI), a key issue of the future, and its potential applications.

Funding was realised by the regional development programme „Landesprogramm Arbeit“. The project is financed by the European Union and the state of Schleswig-Holstein amounting to approx. 193,000 EUR and the European Social Fund (ESF) amounting to approx. 249,000 Euro.



In 2018 and 2019, Life Science Nord participated as a project partner in the internationalization project MAGIA - Med­tech Alli­ance for Glo­bal In­ter­na­tion­Ali­sa­tion, which was funded by the European Union’s COSME program. Alongside the Life Science Clusters bioPmed from Italy, Lyonbiopole from France and BioWin from Belgium, Life Science Nord formed an alliance with the aim of establishing and fostering lasting networks with partners in the target countries United States and China. These networks were established to facilitate the market access for small and medium-sized MedTech companies and to establish bridges into the partner regions. In addition to that, companies were able to participate in project activities, such as events and video trainings and had access to market studies to prepare their internationalization activities.

Until February 2023, MAGIA was continued through the follow-up project MAGIA2Market. For that, Japan has been added as a third target region.


Running from September 2020 to February 2023, the MAGIA2Market project followed the successfully concluded MAGIA - Medtech Alliance for Global InternationAlisation. The overall goal of the project was to support small and medium-sized MedTech companies accessing foreign markets, particularly the United States, China and Japan.

During the previous project, the MAGIA-Alliance – consisting of four leading European Life Science clusters – has successfully built networks and partnerships in the target regions and was in a constant process of enlarging them.


NORTHOPEDICS was an innovation-oriented competency network in the field of bone healing. Changing conditions in the health care system, such as demographic change, rising cost pressures and solutions that are still awaited for existing medical problems are forcing new and innovative approaches. Bringing forward innovations secures and reinforces growth and employment. The NORTHOPEDICS project was financed for a three-year period (June 21, 2016 to June 30, 2019) by the European Regional Development Fund (EFRE) and the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein within the framework of the Schleswig-Holstein's Regional Economic Programme.

Download The network guide


The project P.I.L.O.T. (PrecisionMedicine | Innovations | LifeScience | Opportunities | Technologies) focussed at the establishment of a network addressing innovations in digitisation of precision medicine within Schleswig-Holstein and the cluster Life Science Nord. All parts of the health sector were involved and the project did not only approaches digitisation itself and its use in precision medicine. The project increasd strength and interdisciplinarity in Northern Germany. The project (Duration 01.01.2020 - 31.03.2023) was funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and by the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein. The network activities are being continued and expanded in the P.I.L.O.T. Next Level project since April 2023.

P.I.L.O.T. Next Level