INNO4COV-19 Open Call aims to provide financial support to companies with the goal of accelerating the development and commercialization of innovative solutions that tackle COVID-19 and that have already been validated in lab environments (TRL6 or higher).
Eligibility criteria
Companies or small consortia of companies established in one of the EU Member States or H2020 associated countries.
The sectors of focus may include healthcare / medicine / biotech / biopharma, and IT-related topics (e.g. robotics, automation, electronics, nanotech, etc).
Financial support
Up to EUR 100,000 (100% of the total cost of the project)
Tailored support
Guidance from a network of experts at a technical, business and regulatory level for bringing your innovation to the market
Access to specific facilities and infrastructure
Providing added value to your innovations
Media exposure
Highlights through our network
Deadline: 30/11/2020 – Funding decision: +40days
Deadline: 31/03/2021 – Funding decision: +40days
Deadline: 31/03/2021 – Funding decision: +40days
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